Fairly Odd Parents Porn

Fairly Odd Parents Porn Story: Over Spring Hill Chapter 1

Fairly Odd Parents Porn Story: Over Spring Hill Chapter 1

(Note: I don’t own any of the character herein. Cartoonwatchergirl owns the original characters, and Butch Hartman owns the Fairly OddParents characters.)

Over Spring Hill
based on an idea by FOPWishMaker01
written by Amras Felagund

“That’s it!” said Mr. Yagami as he filmed his eight-year-old daughter sitting at the kitchen table, a bowl of spinach untouched in front of her. “That’s it! Every single moment saved forever!” He popped the video cassette out of his camera, and popped it into the VHS on the table behind him. The TV screen then showed the just-seconds-old footage of young Stacy Yagami looking around in bemusement.

“They grow up so fast,” Mr. Yagami said, almost sniffling.

Mrs. Yagami walked up, holding another bowl of spinach, looking weary. “Honey, I know we treasure Stacy more than we do our relationship…”

“That’s right!” said Mr. Yagami, smiling.

“But don’t you think we could leave the house to be regular adults and leave Stacy with a babysitter?” she asked, holding up an ad for Vicky’s Babysitting Service, showing a red-headed teenager embracing several children and the number 555-LOVE.

Weird, Stacy thought. That’s the same as Icky Vicky’s phone number in ‘Abra-Catastrophe!’ But Vicky isn’t real. She’s a cartoon.

Stacy watched as her father took the ad and looked at it. “Absolutely…” He crumpled it up, frowning suddenly. “Not!” Stacy’s dad threw the add to the trash can, landing on top of the pile of other babysitting service adds he’d crumpled up over the past eight years.

“I’ve been documenting every moment of Stacy’s life since she was born, and I don’t intend to miss one precious second!” Stacy’s dad said, pointing the camera at Stacy again. She still didn’t touch the spinach. “I don’t intend on sharing her life with anyone! I barely want to share it with you!” He pointed the camera at his wife.

“But we haven’t left the house in eight years,” Stacy’s mom said, prompting her husband to stop recording for a second. She looked down at Stacy. “Oh all right, precious gift. Have some more spinach.” Mr. Yagami resumed recording.

“But Mommy, I already ate so much of your delicious squash, beans, and turnips, my tummy is full,” Stacy said, putting her hand over her stomach to indicate fullness. She smiled up at her mother. “Can’t I save the spinach for later?”

“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” said Mr. Yagami, looking more happy than sorry. “I don’t have any footage of you eating spinach.”

“Besides. I’m sure that there are millions of children all over the world who are grateful to have a home-cooked dinner,” said Mrs. Yagami, as the spinach in her bowl caused a brief distraction by roaring at her.

“Hey, that’s a great idea!” said Mr. Yagami, running over to his wife. “Let’s go to parts unknown, give spinach to those kids, and video-tape them eating it!” He turned back to his daughter. “Bye, precious gift!” And they bolted out of the kitchen.

“…Mom? Dad?” Stacy said, anxious almost to the point of panic. “Oh no! They left me! For parts unknown! Forever!”

Panic overtaking her, Stacy Yagami cried, tears streaming from her eyes and a wail of sorrow escaping her lips. This is just like what happened to Timmy in ‘Abra-Catastrophe!’, but for real! And I’m not gonna see Mommy or Daddy ever again!

“I’m alone! But I’m a precious gift from above. I can’t be left alone.” Stacy jumped down from the chair, walking over to the pile of paper balls. She unfolded the one for Vicky’s Babysitting Service. “Better call this babysitter.”

Picking up the phone next to her, Stacy dialed in the number.

“Vicky’s ‘Precious Gift from Above’ Babysitting Service,” said a very familiar voice over the phone.

Wow, Stacy thought. She sounds just like Vicky from ‘The Fairly OddParents’.

“Hi? I’m Stacy Yagami, and I–…”

“Didn’t eat your dinner?”


“Parents left for parts unknown?”

“Yes!” Stacy smiled.

“Be right there!” Vicky said, before hanging up.

Wow, Stacy thought. This is just like what happened in ‘Abra-Catastrophe!’, only this Vicky sounds like a really nice girl. I hope we’ll be best pals!

“Stacy!” came the voice of Stacy’s dad behind Stacy. Turning around, Stacy saw her parents, her dad on the ground, tied up and with a bit of tape with facial hair in his hand.

“You’re back!” she said, her sadness from moments ago forgotten. “From parts unknown!”


Stacy ran to the door. Even though her parents were back from parts unknown, that didn’t mean she couldn’t be friends with Vicky. It was ironic; she hoped to be best friends with someone who shares the same first name as one of the villains of her favorite TV show.

Stacy opened the door, and saw a beaming teenage girl with a green shirt, black jeans and shoes, a green bow in her flaming-red hair, and pink eyes stood at the door.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs…” She looked at an index card she’d brought with her. “Yagami! I’m Vicky Victorson, the babysitter!” At that moment, clouds appeared in the sky and lightning flashed, giving Vicky’s pink eyes a crimson gleam for an instant.

“Anyone else notice the lightning?” Stacy was horrified. Vicky, Icky with a V, the ‘fire-breathing dragon in a pair of black jeans’, was a real person?

Uh-oh. Vicky the Babysitter, Icky with a V, the ‘fire-breathing dragon in a pair of black jeans’, is real? she thought. Then again, she goes right next to Principal Waxelplax, Trixie Tang and the other popular kids, Mr. Crocker, Francis, and Dr. Bender. They all live in Spring Hill, too.

“My, what a precious little gift from above you have here! Yes, you are! Yes, you are!” Vicky said, picking up Stacy and embracing her tightly. “I can’t wait to start protecting and enriching your young child…” Vicky pulled out a handbag, dumping all manner of learning utensils onto the young girl’s head. Stacy popped out of the pile, and an abacus fell on her head.

“While you two go out into the world and be the adults you’ve always wanted to be!” Vicky said, smiling sickeningly at Stacy’s parents.

“For the last eight years!” Stacy’s mom said, smiling from ear to ear.

Stacy’s dad wasn’t so easily convinced, though.

“But wait! I don’t want to share Stacy’s childhood with anyone!”

“I’ll videotape whatever you miss, and edit it all together into one convenient tape!” Vicky said cheerily, putting a large pile of tapes labeled ‘Stacy’s Life’ into a large machine, which spat out a single tape into Mr. Yagami’s hand.

“Hmm, when you put it like that, we’re out of here!”

“I’ll get our coats!” said Mrs. Yagami.

“Forget it, honey!” said Mr. Yagami, running up to his wife. “At the rate we’ll be having fun, the friction will keep us warm!” And with that, they bolted out the door without another word to their daughter, the door slamming behind them in their wake.

“Hmm, sonic boom. Not bad,” Vicky said to herself, and Stacy felt Vicky’s sadistic glare on her.

“Uhhh… hi, Vicky? I’m–…?”

“GO TO BED!” Vicky shouted at the little girl, cackling evilly as she pulled a flamethrower out from behind her back, turning it on the pile of enrichment utensils. In a blast of flames, the pile of educative oddments were reduced to piles of ash.

“Ahh! My enrichment!” Stacy shouted, aghast.

This is just like what happened with Timmy! she thought, horrified as to what this meant.

Vicky then ripped the film out of the cassette tape that held her first eight years of life.

“Ahh! My childhood!”

Vicky then wrapped the film around Stacy like an impromptu mummy. And as Vicky’s evil laughter reached her ears, Stacy realized she would have to experience firsthand the evil ways of Vicky the Babysitter, a person she had previously thought not to be real.

And since there’s no such thing as magic, there’s no such thing as Cosmo & Wanda, no matter what Crocker says, she thought. Why did it have to be me?

After doing countless chores for Vicky, ranging from scrubbing the inside of the toilet with her own toothbrush to ironing the curtains, Stacy was sent to her room, where she would stay until her parents came home and dismissed Vicky. As she sat on her bed, tears threatening to roll down her face, Stacy half-sung, half-sobbed a song she’d last heard when she had turned seven. And as she sang it, she felt the tears streaming down her face.

“Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday, dear Stacy, happy birthday to me…”

(Note: This is an impromptu fanfiction, because it wasn’t my idea. I just happened upon the ‘Unoffical Trixie Tang Shrine’, run by our own Cartoonwatchergirl (under the name ‘FOPWishMaker01’). After becoming an admin there (no lies; look for me there!), she eventually got to asking me if I’d like to do this. I agreed, and… well, here it is! All characters belong to either Butch Hartman or Cartoonwatchergirl… Except the ones I totally made up! Which would be… no one, yet.

Here’s the URL for a picture of Stacy Yagami drawn for Cartoonwatchergirl by DaniPhantom12 on the Butch Hartman Forums:

i36 dot photobucket dot com slash albums slash e37 slash cartoonwatcher01 slash Stacy underscore Yagami slash StacyFOPstyle dot png

Just replace the words ‘dot’ and ‘slash’ with the appropriate ‘.’ and ‘/’.

So, what’d you think? Was it good? Or horrible? Let me know ASAP!

May the Force be with us!

Edit 7-31-06: Added a scene at the end of this prologue to set up this day as Stacy’s eighth birthday.)

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