Fairly Odd Parents Porn

Fairly Odd Parents Porn Story: Shaken Chapter 5

Fairly Odd Parents Porn Story: Shaken Chapter 5

Author’s Note: There’s really no excuse for the break between chapters. I can finally write and upload on the same computer, which I thought would make me more excited to update this, but it had the complete opposite effect for some reason. And I thought this was going to be such an easy chapter to write. Truth be told, I don’t like it all that much, but this is the part of the story I really wanted to get to in the first place, so I’m glad to finally have it finished.

I got a few reviews that mentioned how out of character Blonda was in the last chapter. I said it to one of you, and now I’m going to say it to all of you here; that was completely intentional and it will be justified in a later chapter, I promise. Actually, I think I pretty much ended that in this chapter.

By the way, sorry the first and last scenes are so short. I think I covered enough with just a few sentences. If you guys think they need more, I’ll go back and add some.

That’s it for this author’s note. Hope your 2008 is off to a great start!

Chapter Five – Do You Really Think That is Star Material?

Wanda tried as hard as she could to pay
attention to her sisters performance, but as long as she could see
her mothers face, she wasnt going to look at anything else.

The light wasnt very bright, of course. But
the woman was close enough to the stage to catch enough of it. And
Wanda didnt like what she saw one bit. Every time Blonda spoke,
Amalia became angrier and angrier.

She couldnt really be mad, could she? No, of
course not. Things were different now. She only looked angry because
of the shadow over her face. That had to be it.


There you are, Big Daddy said as he and
the woman Cosmo assumed was Wandas mother flew up to him and

Blondas not mad, is she? Wanda asked,
avoiding looking at the lady Big Daddy was with. She was studying
Wanda rather intensely, and Cosmo could tell his wife noticed.

She was so preoccupied, I doubt she even knew
you werent here.


Nothing was said for a while, and Cosmo used the
silence as an opportunity to look this strange woman over. Wanda had
told Cosmo that her mother was a pretty woman, from what she
remembered. Cosmo just didnt see it. There was something about
this woman that he didnt like. Something in her eyes.

You look good, Wanda, the woman said.
There was a harshness to her voice that Cosmo didnt like.

You look good, too, Wanda answered,
putting on an almost painful smile.

Something was wrong. Wanda seemed so much
happier about her mother when she and Cosmo left the apartment. Why
wasnt she happy now?

Blonda, seemingly coming from nowhere, rushed up
to join the group. That was the most thrilling moment of my life! Sure, I was
nervous at first, but as soon as the lights came up wow!

Big Daddy kissed Blonda on the cheek. You
were fantastic, sweetheart.

Ill say! Cosmo agreed cheerfully,
momentarily forgetting about the awkward reunion going on next to
him. And I didnt even understand half of what was going on!

Blonda ignored Cosmo and floated towards her
mother and Wanda. So, what did you think, Mom? You being the one
with experience and all.

Lovely, dear, the woman answered in a
blas tone. Blonda didnt seem to notice, but Wanda sure
did, and the look on her face switched from numbness to anger faster
than you could imagine.

Big Daddy cleared his throat. You know,
Amalia he started to say, but he was cut off when someone else
joined the group.

Ah, Blonda, there you are. The director told
me Id probably find you here. Im

Roger Parker! Amalia finished for him. I
havent seen you in ages! Howve you been?

Roger stared at her blankly. Im sorry,
have we met?

I I worked for your studio for years. I
must have auditioned for you a hundred times. Surely you must

Whatever. Blonda, what would you say if I
told you that were looking for fresh faces for a new show down at
the station, and I think youd be perfect as the female lead.

Blonda was stunned. Id Id say its
a dream come true!

Doesnt she have to audition first?
Amalia asked, raising an eyebrow at the man.

I just sat through an entire play. I dont
think I need to see her again.

But but you cant do that! You never
considered anyone
without an audition first. You cant just whisk her off into the
spotlight without giving someone else a fair shot!

Look, lady, Ive seen tons of girls for
this part already, and Blonda is the first one whos come close to
what Im looking for.

Amalia continued in a shaky voice. She didnt
even read for the role youre casting!

Do I look like I care?

grabbed for Cosmos hand, and he could feel it trembling ever so

I dont believe this! I bent over backwards
for you people for years
and got nothing. And now youre giving a starring role to someone
youve never even met? How can you be sure shell be right for
this? I mean, just look at her! Do you really think that
is star material?

The changes in facial expressions seemed to
happen all at once. Big Daddys face showed pure anger, matching
the one his wife was portraying. Blonda was shocked, her eyes misting
over with tears. Wanda, clutching onto Cosmos hand even tighter,
looked nothing short of horrified. And Roger Parker just looked
bored. Are you finished now?

No! No, Im not! Amalia spun around to
face her blonde daughter. Dont you dare accept this role, Blonda. Do you hear

Big Daddy abbreviated what Cosmo was sure would
be a long, angry lecture. You have no
to speak to my daughter like

daughter? Amalia yelled, getting red in the face. Where were you
when your daughter
was home from school for a week with the flu? Where were you when your daughter was keeping me
from auditioning for what wouldve
been my breakthrough role? Ill tell
you where you were! You
were out living your dreams and letting your
daughters crap all over mine!

Now it was Cosmos turn to look horrified,
though no one seemed to notice. He couldnt believe a woman would
talk about her own family like that, and they hadnt even done
anything to her according to Wandas story. Cosmo was beginning to
see why Wanda was hesitant to let her mother back into her life, and
why she thought her father and sister should have been, too.

Amalia continued her speech to her husband. I
cant believe I ever wanted to come back to this bullshit
family! All you ever did was rub your success in my face! Whether it
be you with your stupid garbage business or Blonda with her stupid
school plays or Wanda with her stupid grades…

Upon hearing the phrase stupid grades,
Cosmo was ready to yell right back at Amalia. He knew
Wanda would never intentionally make someone feel inferior to her,
and he wanted more than anything to tell her mother that. Before he
got the chance, Amalia spoke again.

You know what? Im done with it. Done.
I can rebuild my life without you assholes standing in my way. She
rose her wand to poof herself away. I hope you all burn
in hell

They cant! Cosmo yelled back without
thinking. Because fairies are immortal. So there!

With an aggravated Ugh!, Amalia left the

Wanda let go of Cosmos hand and leaned
against the wall behind her, while Blonda and Big Daddy stared sadly
at the spot where Amalia had floated. Roger Parker seemed less than
impressed. Well. That was interesting. So, Blonda, what do you say
you come by the studio tomorrow morning. Say, ten-ish? I think
everyones going to be really impressed with you.

Blonda turned around to face the casting
director. Suddenly smiling, she said, Ill be there.

Great! Roger said, and shook the blondes
hand eagerly before poofing out of the room.

Blonda turned towards Cosmo. This has been
one hell of a night, huh?


Not waiting for a response, Blonda left the
room, too. Big Daddy, had also left by then, leaving Cosmo alone with
his wife in the playhouse.

Cosmo studied Wanda for a moment. In all the
time hed known her, hed never seen her look so horrible. Her
face had gone completely pale, and she seemed unable to blink at a
normal rate.

Wanda? Cosmo asked gently. Are you

Without answering, Wanda, too, made an exit.

would a good husband be doing right now?

Cosmo asked himself for what he was sure was the millionth time. Should I go out and look again? Should
I wait here until she comes back? Should I

thoughts were interrupted when Wanda poofed into the room.

there you are! Cosmo exclaimed, relieved. I was so worried

Wanda stopped her husband, I want a divorce.

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